Audra was right. Audrey is beautiful. When I got to the hospital, Abby and Ellie were sitting on Angie’s bed and Angie was holding Audrey, who was dressed in a tiny pink gown with a bonnet on her head. The girls were quick to introduce me to their sister Audrey and point out her red hair, gently pushing back the bonnet.

Overall, the family was doing well. They talked about Audrey, about what a blessing it was to have spent time with her before she went to heaven, about how she was with the angels now.

As I think I mentioned, Angie’s c-section went well, but nevertheless, she was feeling pain tonight. She will probably be in the hospital until Thursday. Please pray for healing and an easy recovery. With three girls five and under, plus the weight of Audrey’s story, the days ahead will not be easy.

I can’t say this enough – your prayers have meant a great deal in the months leading up to and through today. Angie commented that she and the family definitely felt blanketed in prayer as today unfolded. From laughs this morning, to peace going into surgery, to the hours spent with Audrey. Thank you for loving this family. You are a part of Audrey’s legacy, which, even now, we known will be bigger than we can imagine.

It is my hope that your faith is encouraged by Audrey and the miracle of today. While the doctors did not expect her to have life when she was born, she did. For more than two hours, her mommy, daddy and sisters got to kiss her, hold her and love on her. And while, in the end, God took her spirit to heaven, He did so in a very gentle, tender, peaceful way.

Please continue to keep the Smiths in your prayers. The Lord hears them all. We will continue to trust Him and His plans.

Tomorrow I will post information regarding a memorial service for Audrey and some other information.

With peace and grace,