
Ok, so here are our book winners…
1.  Dean at 8:32 on 1/28
2. Terra@mggoslings at 7:32 on 1/28
3. Willis71 at 11:19 on 1/28
4. Susan at 1:08 on 1/28
5. Shells at 1:47 on 1/28
6. Anonynous (Leslie in Mantera) at 2:32 on 1/28
7. Lesli at 5:13 on 1/28
8. Anonymous (Karissa) at 6:44 on 1/28
9. Statmom at 7:32 on 1/28
10.Tiffany at 8:25 on 1/28
Congratulations! Just email Katherine Koonce directly and she will send you your signed copy!!! Her email is
And if you didn’t win, it’s still a great book and worth the investment. I got an email saying that Christian Book Distributers has is for a little less than Amazon, and I just bet you deal-searchers can find a other great sources. AND, remember you can order directly from her if you are buying 10 or more and then they are only $8.  
Thanks to all who participated…would love to hear your thoughts on the book once you’ve read it:) Have a blessed day…
***Quick update….if you came to any of the events last weekend in Colorado and took pics, will you send them to me? I want to put a little something together and I forgot to bring my camera so I hardly have anything….thanks!!!***

I know, I know.

I have been a bad blogger lately:) But we had an absolute BLAST in Colorado (doing Focus On the Family) this weekend, and as soon as I get some pictures from our road manager I will stick ’em on here. Mostly because I had one good hair day and I want you to see the evidence. It is even possible that I am (gasp!) wearing a) a sweater you haven’t seen 25 times already and b) my True Religion jeans.  A lot of you wrote and asked what style they are….I have had them for years and they don’t seem to say the style…I’m still doing research. I’ll get back to you on it. 
This will quite possibly be the most random post ever, but there are a few announcements I want to make that have nothing to do with each other, so here goes…. 
1. Harper is doing GREAT!!!!! And she is a doll baby. I want to eat her and her flowery hat. Praise GOD for His miracles. I never cease to be amazed at what the body of Christ does for those who are walking wounded among us. I know I speak for Kelly and Scott when I say that it is OVERWHELMING to feel so much genuine love and care from strangers. Such a beautiful gift we have been given in each other…
2. SELAH is doing a benefit concert here in Nashville for the Hope Clinic!!!!! They NEVER sing in Nashville, so if you want to come support a great cause and have a night of worship, please join us on 2/27 at Brentwood Baptist Church. Click here for more info.
3. At least one of the interviews we did at Focus on the Family will be available this Friday, and when I get the link I will post it. It’s a podcast, so you can just listen to it whenever.  
4. I have not forgotten about the Laban Video, I have accidentally deleted most of it. I will spare you the details, but let’s just say it was slightly traumatic.  Luckily the Smith’s postponed their trip by a few weeks so hopefully we can redo our interview. And then I will pass it off to someone smarter than myself and we will be in good shape.
5. I have also NOT forgotten about the Believe bracelets. Mine didn’t wear all that well so I am trying to figure out a better way to do them….but thank you to those of you who have asked to help. I plan to take you up on it once I get my life in a little better order….:)
6. Yes, the blog does have a little bit of a new look. And isn’t Danielle the greatest? She just does this stuff and it turns out gorgeous.  I bet she’s never accidentally deleted a blog before, either….hmm…..Danielle, how are you with IMovie? I may have some interviews to send your way….
7. It has been awhile since I have written one of my more “traditional” posts…it’s because I am working on my book proposal and it is taking an emotional toll on me. It is good therapy, but hard to go back to moments that hurt so much. Please pray for me…I so desperately want to tell her story well.  I think of you all as friends so I feel safe just coming to you as I am, and right now, I need a place to come and rejoice for a little while. Don’t we all?!?!?!
Okay, and the GRAND finale for those of you who stuck with me through the rambling…
A CONTEST!!!!!!!! 
I had lunch with a woman I have mentioned to you in the past…she wrote one of my absolute favorite parenting books called “Parenting the Way that God Parents: Refusing to Recycle Your Parents’ Mistakes.” She also works at the school that I think we may be sending Abby and Ellie to next year (we need to catch up on this too…it doesn’t have anything to do with not LOVING homeschooling…I actually do!!! I am just so madly in love with this school that I feel that sending them would be so good for them…..this is a long story crammed in a random paragraph…more later….).
The author’s name is Katherine Koonce and I had a great time sipping on fruit tea and devouring her words. She is a NEAT lady and I think that all parents should read this book. It is really that good. 
So here’s the deal.
Leave a comment and you will be entered to win one of 10 signed books. 10!!!!!
And it gets better…
Because Katherine has such a giving spirit (and because she loves the idea of this book being done in groups), she is letting me do a little something special.  If you want to buy 10 or more books, she will send them to you personally and will only charge you $8 per book (+ shipping). This is a STEAL, and I really believe that it will impact the way you parent.  I cannot emphasize how important I think it is for us moms to be in groups together, being transparent with each other about our parenting struggles. I have two Bible studies weekly, one that I do at my house with a few other moms and we are discussing dealing with anger in parenting.  It is a safe place to say vulnerable things, and I really believe that satan would love to keep us all in our own homes, believing we are the only ones who struggle.
If you are looking to start a parenting group, this would be a great book to dive into. Mine is tattered and bent and all marked up….and yes, it received many of the coveted “underlined and starred” paragraphs 🙂
SO, leave me a comment before noon on Thursday (1/29) and you will be entered to win!!! If you are interested in purchasing directly from Katherine (10+), just email her at She has 400 copies of the book available at this price, so it’s first come, first served!!!
Thanks for your generosity, Katherine. I know that many will be blessed with your wisdom and insights….
Love to you all, and I promise to have a less scattered post next time!!! 
And hopefully, some pictures of my hair…
BTW, this one is open to anonymous posters as well:)