Where I’ve Been…

***update*** I just came up for lunch and am reading through all of your great advice…God and I have been talking through things this morning, and we’ll see what that leads to…also, to the lady who said her sister-in-law saw me here in the hotel the...

A Thursday Morning

I’m just going to come out and say it.I was really nervous about the whole “homeschooling” thing.  I put it on the blog, and then immediately, I kind of panicked.  “Why?” you ask.  Why would a woman feel fear when she says...


***Update*** Kate has been peeing and pooping on the potty since I posted this!!!!!!! You all are prayer warriors!!!!!!!  If you haven’t read this entry yet, this will make no sense, and this is probably an uncomfortable moment for you…yikes 🙂 I am SO...


~This post was written in pieces over the past few days.  It was really emotional for me, and I could not do it all at once.  The Lord beckoned me back to it until it was finished, and I am so glad He did…it was good for my soul to be near Him in these...


***Link added!***  If you would like to hear the entire service I refer to in this post, click here and meet my wonderful pastor, Scott Patty.  It’s the one called “Providence” and it’s free!!!!Just click on the mp3 button to...