
Y’all, I am pumped.  As evidenced by my use of the word y’all, despite the fact that I am from Cincinnati. You may notice a new button on my sidebar.  And also, I am twittering.  Which makes me a technological genius.  And I want to use...

I need some Sundays

I don’t normally post twice in a row, but this morning I have such a heavy heart. I want to ask you to join me in prayer for my friend Adrienne and her husband Jim, who are on a trip to adopt their second child. They have been anticipating bringing home...

Cider Carols

So you all know how much I love public speaking, right?Well, a few months ago my sweet friend and CEO/President of the Hope Clinic in Nashville asked me if I would host a fundraiser for them.  I wasn’t planning on doing it (remember the whole pulling out my...

The Glorious Hem

(updated at the bottom:))Todd and I seem to be in “Spring Cleaning” mode a little early this year.  In the past few days, we have started tackling some home projects that we have been putting off for awhile.  One of them (which I was DREADING)...

7×7 Button

<center> <a href=”http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/2008/11/seven-prayers-day.html”> <img src=”http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z104/danielle982/Sidebar%20Elements/7x7button.png” /> </a></center> Hey everyone!...