The Scarlet Cord

Her name was Rahab, and she was a prostitute.  I must say, she is one of my favorite heroines in Scripture, and in the event that you don’t know her story, find a cozy chair and flip to the second chapter of Joshua.  A little background on where we are...

Pictures and CD’s…

Okay, as promised, here are a couple photos.First up, the x-ray. You can see the new teeth pushing out the old teeth. It is wrinkly-looking because it has been wadded up in my purse, in the event that Abby wants to show it to the check-out lady at Target. Or Sawyer....

The Chicken

***update*** I will be posting the chicken picture and the X-ray picture when I get home next week:) Of course you need the visuals to go with the story…:)I went in tonight to kiss my girls while they slept.  One of my favorite things in the world is to...

She asked me out on a walk…

Hey everyone, Angie asked if I would share some thoughts today.  It is a very special day for us.Before I share, I want to say thank you to all of you who have traveled this incredibly painful road with us.  You have no idea how your comments and emails have...

Ever Sweeter

***note*** I just realized I have misplaced my list of people asking for a Bible.  If you requested one, and haven’t received it, please write to me again….I am so sorry about this.  It is, of course, entirely possible that the devil stole my...