It Was Love…

**Updated with link to the Children’s Bible…***As you can all imagine, the last week or so has been a tangled mess of emotions, and with the combination of an incredible Good Friday message and a beautiful Easter, I feel more peace than I have in...


Have I ever mentioned that my father is a painter? He is, and he is incredibly talented. He is also a phenomenal writer, and I could go on and on about awards and things, but the bottom line is that he is just a man who has been gifted in many areas. I did not...

The Sea and the Scarf

This photograph was taken on a “glass-bottom” excursion trip that was part of our cruise with Kathy Triccoli last year.  As a reminder, at this point I was still pregnant with Audrey, and we knew her diagnosis. I was terrified to go on the cruise...

The Glorious Hem

(updated at the bottom:))Todd and I seem to be in “Spring Cleaning” mode a little early this year.  In the past few days, we have started tackling some home projects that we have been putting off for awhile.  One of them (which I was DREADING)...

Seven Prayers A Day

*** In answer to some of your questions, I wanted to let you know that I do pray these out loud.  This morning, I kept my hand on Kate’s head while I read, and she smiled the whole time…and sat still!!!!!!! Praise God for small miracles….:) OH,...


Let me start by saying how truly humbled I am that so many of you chose to share your babies with me by commenting on my last post.  I am not all the way through, because I am taking my time and praying for you as I go.  I wish I had a few more hours in the...