Audrey Caroline is Here

Audrey Caroline Smith was born at 4:31! When she was born, she made a few squeaks and noises, so Angie and Todd immediately knew she was breathing and alive. Audra said that she is simply beautiful and looks a lot like the twins looked when they were born. She has...

4:00- Angie Is In Surgery

Angie just went into surgery. It is 4:00 central time. Audra will call me as soon as she is out, which is expected to be around 5:30. I will update you all as soon as I hear anything. I have chills and am trying to hold back tears as I write this. Please continue to...

2:00 Update

This is Angie’s friend, Jessica. I will be updating this blog on behalf of Angie in the days ahead. You each have become so important to her. Thank you for your prayers, kind words and interest in Audrey’s story. None of it is taken for granted.Angie and...


When I was about 4 years old, I was hospitalized for several days because I battled with overwhelming anxiety.  I remember the hospital room, the way I would watch out the door when it was open to see who was coming.  They made me draw pictures and ran all...


I want you to know that I have started this post many times in the past 2 days, and my fingers have failed me.  My temptation in this moment is to just close the computer.  Pretend that none of this is happening. We had a hard day yesterday, a day that was...