Psalm 139

OK, so I may have underestimated the desire of the Sundays to commit themselves to scripture memory… I did a quick twitter saying I was memorizing Psalm 139 and wondered if anyone wanted to join me….well, you all are a dedicated group of ladies (and at...

7×7 Button

<center> <a href=””> <img src=”” /> </a></center> Hey everyone!...

Ever Sweeter

***note*** I just realized I have misplaced my list of people asking for a Bible.  If you requested one, and haven’t received it, please write to me again….I am so sorry about this.  It is, of course, entirely possible that the devil stole my...

Family and Books

***Update***Just wanted to let you all know that Lifeway (Christian bookstore chain) is having a sale, and several of the books I mentioned are on sale until the 26th.  The Jesus Storybook Bible is only $8.50 and the Henrietta Mears book (What the Bible is all...

A Few Answers

***updated 7/3*** Just want to let you know that the author of the Jesus Storybook Bible posted on MY blog!!!! It’s true!!!! Read for yourselves!!!! Her name is Sally Lloyd Jones and now I am going to have to stop stalking her because she knows I exist…Can...

Daily Bread

The other day, my friend Jess was over at my house and we were talking about the blog. She really encouraged me to post about what life looks like for us these days, and I thought it was a good suggestion. The past few weeks have been filled with “normal”...