Exhibit A (and B)

I loved reading your comments, and I wanted to pass this along….it seems like there is a concensus that 1)Hanna Anderson (catalog/online) 2)Wal-Mart and 3)Gymboree are all good choices for age-appropriate underwear.  I also laughed my head off reading about...

The Sticks and the Panties

***Update***I am so incredibly moved (either to hysterical laughter or a loud AMEN!)by your responses to this one that I have decided to post some of my favorites at the end of the day today.  Check back…there are many modest options people have mentioned,...

She asked me out on a walk…

Hey everyone, Angie asked if I would share some thoughts today.  It is a very special day for us.Before I share, I want to say thank you to all of you who have traveled this incredibly painful road with us.  You have no idea how your comments and emails have...

A Thursday Morning

I’m just going to come out and say it.I was really nervous about the whole “homeschooling” thing.  I put it on the blog, and then immediately, I kind of panicked.  “Why?” you ask.  Why would a woman feel fear when she says...


***Update*** Kate has been peeing and pooping on the potty since I posted this!!!!!!! You all are prayer warriors!!!!!!!  If you haven’t read this entry yet, this will make no sense, and this is probably an uncomfortable moment for you…yikes 🙂 I am SO...

A Beautiful Song

(written 7/7)6 months ago today I sat in a dark room and listened to a doctor tell me I was not going to get to keep her.3 months ago today I held her. 3 months ago today I had to give her back.This weekend, I got to share a little life with Sara (yes…Sara...