I Survived!

***Update!!!!*** I am laughing so hard that I cannot stop.  I have decided that this needs to be a contest.  I have an exciting prize to give away tomorrow, and I am going to give away 10 of them.  Leave your comment here….I am going to choose my...

The Room…

I wanted to post these so you all could see the beautiful room you helped us decorate for the Hope Clinic.  The mommy who will be in it had her baby this week, and will certainly be blessed by your generosity….This first one is Kyla (who did not see my...

Every Word is True

I don’t normally post two days in a row, I know.  But I can’t help myself.I’m having a lot of trouble typing (which I will explain shortly). This is the stuff Lifetime movies are made out of.  And they always happen to me.It started out...

Exhibit A (and B)

I loved reading your comments, and I wanted to pass this along….it seems like there is a concensus that 1)Hanna Anderson (catalog/online) 2)Wal-Mart and 3)Gymboree are all good choices for age-appropriate underwear.  I also laughed my head off reading about...

The Sticks and the Panties

***Update***I am so incredibly moved (either to hysterical laughter or a loud AMEN!)by your responses to this one that I have decided to post some of my favorites at the end of the day today.  Check back…there are many modest options people have mentioned,...