I loved reading your comments, and I wanted to pass this along….it seems like there is a concensus that 1)Hanna Anderson (catalog/online) 2)Wal-Mart and 3)Gymboree are all good choices for age-appropriate underwear. I also laughed my head off reading about...
***Update***I am so incredibly moved (either to hysterical laughter or a loud AMEN!)by your responses to this one that I have decided to post some of my favorites at the end of the day today. Check back…there are many modest options people have mentioned,...
***Update*** Kate has been peeing and pooping on the potty since I posted this!!!!!!! You all are prayer warriors!!!!!!! If you haven’t read this entry yet, this will make no sense, and this is probably an uncomfortable moment for you…yikes 🙂 I am SO...
***updated 7/3*** Just want to let you know that the author of the Jesus Storybook Bible posted on MY blog!!!! It’s true!!!! Read for yourselves!!!! Her name is Sally Lloyd Jones and now I am going to have to stop stalking her because she knows I exist…Can...
In case you are curious about the fate of my purse…happy bidding :)****update**** I was notified by a sweet reader that I am not allowed to put an item up for “charity auction” unless I use their charities!!!! eek!!!!!! I had no idea!!!! I am in the...
(written on Sunday evening…5/11/08…Mother’s Day)I feel so sneaky.I have wanted to ask for prayer for the past few weeks, but I was working on keeping a real good secret, and I am proud to say I pulled it off.Yesterday, I went to Texas and surprised...
Welcome to the blog that tells the story of my daughter, Audrey. This content begins in January 2008 and records our love and loss of our fourth child. This blog will not be updated regularly, but just serves as an archive of my writings from that season. For regular updates, please subscribe to my mailing list.