
The Chicken

***update*** I will be posting the chicken picture and the X-ray picture when I get home next week:) Of course you need the visuals to go with the story...:)I went in tonight to kiss my girls while they slept.  One of my favorite things in the world is to kiss their sweet, damp hair as they fall asleep after a warm bath. To breathe the sweet floral scent as their chests rise up and down slowly, and their faces glow with peace. In these moments, I remember the days right after they were born. Crazy, beautiful, glorious days.Anna Elisabeth Smith was born on December 2nd, exactly 2...

Pictures and CD’s…

Okay, as promised, here are a couple photos.First up, the x-ray. You can see the new teeth pushing out the old teeth. It is wrinkly-looking because it has been wadded up in my purse, in the event that Abby wants to show it to the check-out lady at Target. Or Sawyer. Or anyone who will listen. Those top teeth are not going to be as giant as they appear, right???? Anyone a dentist out there??? They look LARGE. And next, the chicken.  Need I say more?She goes in for the cut...And, here he is. Notice she is now too disgruntled to look at the camera.So as I was posting these...

The Scarlet Cord

Her name was Rahab, and she was a prostitute.  I must say, she is one of my favorite heroines in Scripture, and in the event that you don't know her story, find a cozy chair and flip to the second chapter of Joshua.  A little background on where we are in the Bible...Moses has died without ever entering the Promised Land, and his successor is the mighty warrior Joshua.  Joshua is planning to invade Canaan, and in order to scope out the land, he sends in two spies.  We don't know their names, but we do know that they were told to focus on Jericho (are you singing the...

The Sticks and the Panties

***Update***I am so incredibly moved (either to hysterical laughter or a loud AMEN!)by your responses to this one that I have decided to post some of my favorites at the end of the day today.  Check back...there are many modest options people have mentioned, as well as a few Trapper Keepers that will bring a smile to your face. Also, a lady bought the sticks for $1.99.  Now THAT, my friends, deserves a red sticker.  Wonder what state she lives in...I bet I have your attention with a title like that.Okay, so I was at Target the other day. Incidentally, this is not the...

Exhibit A (and B)

I loved reading your comments, and I wanted to pass this seems like there is a concensus that 1)Hanna Anderson (catalog/online) 2)Wal-Mart and 3)Gymboree are all good choices for age-appropriate underwear.  I also laughed my head off reading about the Trapper Keepers.  It brought back some great memories of the good old days when a pony with his head hanging over a fence was edgy.  Good times.After the girls finished their gymnastics class the other day, we got in the car and Todd asked if we were going straight home.  Little did he know."No, I need to go...

Every Word is True

I don't normally post two days in a row, I know.  But I can't help myself.I'm having a lot of trouble typing (which I will explain shortly). This is the stuff Lifetime movies are made out of.  And they always happen to me.It started out GREAT. I met Kyla at Target and spent $1300.  Yes.  $1300. Before you say anything, let me explain.  It wasn't my money.  It was yours.And I had a ball spending it.Okay, I can see I am going to need to back up a little. The Hope Clinic started a home for mothers who choose life for their babies instead of abortion....

The Room…

I wanted to post these so you all could see the beautiful room you helped us decorate for the Hope Clinic.  The mommy who will be in it had her baby this week, and will certainly be blessed by your generosity....This first one is Kyla (who did not see my butt), me, and Lauren (who, incidentally, has also never seen my butt).This last one is Renee (CEO and president of the Hope Clinic) holding up the tile that Kaye made for the house.  The wreath above the bed is made of cherry blossoms in honor of our Audrey-girl.  I cried when I walked in and saw it all put together...what...

I Survived!

***Update!!!!*** I am laughing so hard that I cannot stop.  I have decided that this needs to be a contest.  I have an exciting prize to give away tomorrow, and I am going to give away 10 of them.  Leave your comment here....I am going to choose my "top 10 funniest kid moments" and announce them tomorrow afternoon.....please leave your comment by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow (10/7). LOVE a giggly Monday. Thanks to everyone who is a part of it:)I woke up Friday morning and had three panic attacks.  I honestly could not get out of my bed and I kept rocking and saying softly,...

What a Day

Final Update. Unbelievable.  He didn't get to ask his question, but man, Wally-World never looked better.  Highlight of the evening: Abby asking why he was just listening to them and not singing.  She is irritated that he just sat still the whole time instead of performing.  Hard to explain the whole "potential leader of the free world takes precedence" thing.  Anyway I just talked to Toddy and he is on his way home....he said that Obama asked him what he did for a living and when Todd told him the name of the group, he said, "I'm going to look you all up on the...

Funny Kid Stories

Okay, so this was a bad idea.  There were WAY too many good ones to just pick 10.  I think you should go back and read them all if you need a smile today.  If your comment is mentioned below, please go to and leave a comment saying that you were one of the winners from this contest, and Matthew will send you a copy of "Churched."By the way, thanks so much for all the fun comments you left about seeing Todd at the debate. I was so happy to see that the focus was on supporting my hubby getting to do something he was excited about and not about...


Welcome to the blog that tells the story of my daughter, Audrey. This content begins in January 2008 and records our love and loss of our fourth child. This blog will not be updated regularly, but just serves as an archive of my writings from that season. For regular updates, please subscribe to my mailing list.

